Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jalapeño New Year

Shane, my husband, has this thing with jalapeños. If they weren't a vegetable I'd be a little bit jealous. They're little, and they're hot. What's not to be jealous of?

I love them too, as referenced here. Seriously, they're awesome. They have a place in my kitchen, and in my heart too. Just not as much as my husband. Did I mention he loves them hot?

Jalapeños are a little unpredictable. Sometimes they're as mild as a green bell pepper. Sometimes they're hot enough to almost start a fire. Trust me, I've eaten both kinds. I'm more of a middle-of-the-road sort of gal.

Shane has been talking about a combination for months: steak, shrimp and jalapeno butter glaze. One of his friends mentioned it and he's been all over the internet finding a suitable recipe.

Mission accomplished. We made it last night. It was deliciously sweet. It did not, however, have an ounce of heat. Apparently the jalapeños we bought were just too fresh. Next time we're aging them and leaving a few seeds in, just to kick it up a notch or two.

Keep in mind this recipe was for a glaze for salmon, not shrimp or steak. It went really, really well with both the shrimp and the rib-eye steaks we ate with it. It would go really well on salmon too. It's versatile and yummy. Be creative.

I'm not sure where the recipe originated from, but we changed it enough I'm not sure the original author would recognize it anyway....


1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup lemon or lime juice
2 tbsp. butter
2 large jalapeños, sliced, stemmed/seeded (or not)
1 pound cooked shrimp

In a medium skillet, mix together the honey, lemon juice, butter and jalapenos. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add a little cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Add shrimp and simmer for another 10 minutes, or until nice and hot.

Serve as a side or over rice.

As mentioned above, I think this would be an amazing glaze for steak or salmon too. Trust me, it's delicious.

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