Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recipes of the Non-Edible Kind


Air Freshener:

Dampen cotton balls with oil of winterfreen and place out of sight, but where air will touch them.

Disinfectant/Mildew Remover:

Dilute 3/4 cup chlorine bleach in 1 gallon water.  Apply to tile and grout and scrub; wipe shower stall and curtain; rinse thoroughly.


to clean stainless steel, chrome, fiberglass, ceramic, porcelain or enamel fixtures, dissolve 2 tbsp. baking soda in 1 quart water.


For vinyl floors, damp mop with a solution of 2 tbsp. white vinegar to 1 quart water.  For wood floors with a Swedish or polyurethane finish, use 2 tbsp. white vinegar per gallon of water.

Furniture Oil:

1 cup olive oil
1 tsp. lemon essential oil

Mix well.  Apply with a soft rag.  Wipe & buff well to a gleaming shine.

Kitchen Cleaner:

Just use baking soda on non-scratch surfaces and a vinegar & water mixture on other surfaces.

Rust Stain & Hard Water Deposit Remover:

Apply full-strength vinegar or lemon juice & let stand until spot disappears, then rinse.  Repeat if necessary.

Soap Scum:

Apply baking soda dry, or as a thick paste.  Rub vigorously with a wet sponge, then rinse.

Window Cleaner:

Put 3 tbsp. vinegar per 1 quart of water in a spray bottle.

Shoe Polish:

Use a little olive oil.

Spotless Dishwasher Rinse:

1 cup white vinegar

Add the vinegar to the rinse compartment of your automatic dishwasher.  Be careful not to overfill.  Wash dishes as usual.

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